Publi-Zeppelines: Publicidad, hinchables de helio, esferas, globos, fotografía aérea

Aerial Photography

Publi-zeppelines not only makes helium inflatables, but also Remote Control blimps and aerial photo systems. With the help of our equipments, many professionals make aerial photography and advertising around Spain, Europe, the Middle East and South America.

A balloon or blimp filled up with helium will elevate the aerial photo system and will allow you to photoghaphy everything you want. Our camera blimps can be used for aerial imaging in both city and countryside. Thanks to the remote control you´ll be able to see on earth what camera is watching up in the sky.

Please, call us and ask for a quotation!!! 

Aerial Photography

A profitable business: in Spain it is an incipient and very profitable business but for the present there are very few companies that devote themselves to commercialize the necessary equipment.
The majority import it and distribute it. Publi-zeppelines is a manufacturer and commercializes this product to the measure of the client.
Utilization in real estate agencies, press, works of infographic, follow-up of works (civilian and building), judicial proofs, articles of wedding, photographies of particular houses, advertising, etc.

It provides total satisfaction for the client:

1 - One equipment of aerial photography from zeppelines allows us to obtain captures of up to 300 m of height. Interval of heights is precisely in that one where the aerial photography with zeppelines does not have competition, since an aircraft cannot fly so down.
Publi-zeppelines manufactures video and aerial photography equipments.

2-Thanks to the sophisticated technology that Publi-zeppelines puts to his service, his clients will be able to choose, across a monitor of tft in land, the ideal setting for his photographies. This one system guarantees this way, the total satisfaction of the client with the final photography, since he is the client the one that decides his photographies.

3-At time that the client has chosen the setting for his photographies and these have carried out, we can " overturn them ", from a portable computer, to a CD. The speed in the service and the rapidity with which the photographies can be delivered they will increase furthermore the satisfaction of the client (of this one way manages to finish with the long green periods of a flight programmed in aircraft).

4-Por another side, the possibility of bringing the camera over to the wished object will allow us to use angular aims that heighten the perspective of the first plane, enlarging it opposite to the bottom of the photography, creating an attractive visual effect impossible to obtain for other means.

BLANK RISK: the zeppelín operates on always from land, with which, the risk is blank, unlike in the aerial photography from helicopters or light aircrafts.

PRICES WITHOUT COMPETITION: the limited operative costs that the aerial photography needs from zeppelines, allow that the final price of the photographies should be very attainable for the client.
Of this one way extends enormously the number of potential clients ready to acquire aerial photographies.